Friday 16 May 2014

ICE President's Visit

The ICE President Geoff French came to see the bridge in action on 1st April at Durham Highschool for girls. He was joined by Amy Wright, an old pupil of the school who was highly commended in this year's NCE Graduate Awards. Geoff shares our passion for engaging future engineers and we were very pleased to show him the work that we have been doing with the help of ICE graduates and students. You can see the ICE press release here.

With plenty of time scheduled and some very bright students, we were able to add in another activity to explain more about the day to day job of a civil engineer. The pupils were split into two groups and given large maps of Durham city centre and asked to suggest locations for a new bridge. They had to think about where it would be needed and hazards that might be encountered. There were some really good points raised which were shared with everyone at the end of the exercise.

Now for the fun part! Every session went very smoothly with some excellent displays of teamwork. The President even got roped into some heavy lifting and volunteered to be the first test subject when the scaffolding was removed.
A big thank you to the school, all the helpers visitors across the day and particularly to NCE for the photos (much better than our usual lot).
Please let us know if you would be interested in volunteering. More photos below!

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